Wednesday, 18 December 2013

It's pretty

Before I start, I would just like to mention that it took me a lot of time to decide what the 'first post' should be. Because the excitement levels are high and often people base their opinions on the first few posts but then I realized that this blog was supposed to be me. And unfortunately, my first impressions are always pretty crappy anyway. With that note, Lets Begin!

Two weeks ago, I decided to act upon a realization that hit me probably like a year ago. That being my daily routine was really boring and not 'me'. I would wake up in the morning like ten minutes before school, get dressed in anything that first brushed against my fingers and then head to school with almost all my work undone. I would then proceed to a day full of broken promises and lame excuses. After arriving back home, I would sit on facebook and youtube. And then, you ask? Well, time would slip by and before I would know it, it was 3am.
Believe it or not, this isn't me. It's what I became. And so, I decided to deactivate my accounts for awhile and switching off that phone that doesn't help but buzz every two minutes. I decided to spend time doing stuff I actually need to focus on. Or...stuff that sound like fun! :D
I spent these two weeks trying new facials, completing all my homework, finishing off canvases, going on late night long drives, writing poetry, trying new sandwiches, waking up early enough to watch the sun rise and most of all-jogging.
Oh and starting a blog ;)
I also make sure to sleep by 11pm and improve my diet with salads and chia seeds (new blog post on that) This makes me feel so much more prepared for the day and I feel confident instead of feeling clumsy all the time. I'm trying to keep up the "no facebook, no phone" thing till February so I can spend my vacations continuing with my art. Shouldn't be too hard because..I dont quite have more than two friends..
Anyway, the point of this post is that I'm not saying that block away your social life but just try to also fit in time for yourself. You need it. And trust me it really works and you know why?
Because believe it or not, it's pretty out there.

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