Saturday, 21 December 2013

The Other Person

Dear Dad,
I write this to you because after years of watching the two of you argue over everything, get hurt on the things that seemed silly to even the eight year old me. I think, I think I get it all or at least a part of it which seems more than enough for me to swallow on.
You know how you say she hurts you with every time she decides to blame you for every taxi that arrives late or for every pound she gains? The way she makes you feel as though you were for granted all the time. How you hate the way her clumsy steps arrive to give you a hug before you depart for a good long vacation alone.
Dear Dad- I think I understand something you failed to learn all your life.
She loves you.
She throws the blame on you each time because she feels that you are the only one that's ever stayed, you feel for granted because you know it's true. You will always stay.
The love you two share is out of bounds. You feel an electric vibe around, each time you meet each other, you two never, never, ever have gotten used to the way the other person is. I say your love is quite literally out of bounds because your love is much, much more than what our society allows. Than what our own culture may ever allow.
And this is why, this is why I feel the two of you find it so freaking hard to wrap yourselves around it.
Your love is much more than you two ever anticipated, much more than what you believed was true. I know the two of you, as individuals, are a mess. As individuals, you both need help.
But together...together you need each other.
The other person is what really keeps you going.
You live fighting one another, you live for each other.

Your Daughter

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